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Birthing a Thriving Future: Weaving a Personal Narrative with Planetary and Mythical Threads

January 13, 2025 @ 3:00 pm - March 17, 2025 @ 4:30 pm


While the world seems to be torn by many destructive forces–climate change, mass extinction, corrupted politics, war and pandemics–a future of inter-connectedness, wellness and beauty is also blossoming through these destructions every moment. Like a baby, this fresh future is subtle and delicate. We will need to develop a new set of eyes to see her, and new forms of hearing to listen to her. This future is not in a faraway land, or promised by an abstract ideology. This future is held right within the inner core of our very being.

In this course, led by Jennifer Browdy and Dr. Spring Cheng, we approach memoir writing as a transformational path to refine our sensory capacities, renew our sense-making and expand our consciousness. We will focus on a sensuous, compassionate perspective of one’s life in all its glory and messiness, its light and shadow, restoring the integrity of parts of ourselves subjugated by oppressive societal forces.

We will invite a narrative arc that connects the personal to the transpersonal and collective, with an active weaving of the mystical thread within mundane life. Through writing and sharing our stories with each other, we weave a “womb” within our own being to birth the future where all life can thrive.

The class will unfold over 10 weekly online sessions, January 13, 2025 – March 17, 2025. Spring and Jennifer are offering four FREE introductory sessions this fall, which will give a sense of our unique approach to writing memoir that is at once personal and transpersonal, mythical and very much grounded in present-day experience as well as the impressions of a lifetime. The cost for all 10 sessions is on a sliding scale from $499 to $629.

The four free sessions will take place online from 3 – 4 pm Eastern, on four Mondays this fall: October 28, November 11, November 25, and December 2.

More information and registration links here.