What matters most?

What matters most?

Seeking Purpose Through Purposeful Memoir   In a lively, wide-ranging workshop, reach back to your earliest passions and explore the ways you have carried them forward into the present day, using the illuminating techniques of purposeful memoir. How has what...
Seeking Courage

Seeking Courage

The Alchemy of Purposeful Memoir   Courage is not the absence of fear. It’s being aware of your fear, and moving forward anyway, because, to paraphrase Elizabeth Appell, there are times when “the risk to remain tight in a bud” becomes more...
Fire: Exploring Life’s Passions and Trials

Fire: Exploring Life’s Passions and Trials

The Elemental Journey of Purposeful Memoir   On the elemental journey of purposeful memoir, FIRE represents both our passions and the trials and tribulations we have experienced in our lives. Visit my WRITING LIFE blog to read more about the value of exploring...
Birth Your Truest Story

Birth Your Truest Story

By Nourishing Your Most Tender Voice This live online workshop explores the resonances between birthing and writing, opening up a non-judgmental space where you will feel safe to discover your most tender voice, so that your truest stories can take root and blossom. ...

The Alchemy of Purposeful Memoir: Seeking Guidance

Where do you turn when you feel lost and in need of guidance? Guidance can be found in books and other sources of knowledge passed down to us through the ages, as well as in podcasts or videos recorded yesterday. We turn for guidance to our trusted friends and family...